to Shape Public Transit Transformation in Clinton County
ST. JOHNS, MI: Clinton Transit has been paving the way for a public transit transformation in Clinton County with service expansions and improvements.
The agency’s latest project is a comprehensive Transportation Development Plan (TDP) that will serve as a roadmap for future service improvements.
The level of engagement on the surveys earlier this year was extraordinary. Now we have some unique opportunities for continued connection with the community."
MaLissa Schutt, Clinton Transit Executive Director
Clinton Transit has sought feedback from residents, businesses and riders every step of the way—and is extending the conversation with a series of events on Wed. and Thu. Oct. 11-12.
Clinton Transit will host the Building Stronger Communities Council monthly meeting at the Watkins Conference Center, 215 North Scott Rd. in St. Johns the morning of Wed., Oct. 11. This group of engaged community leaders serves to address issues in Clinton County that impact the lives of children, families and special populations in their area. Members will have the opportunity to ride the Blue Bus while hearing survey results, participating in discussions and providing feedback.
The council will then join the community for a public event from 1-3 p.m. at the Watkins Conference Center, “Planning Ahead: A Community Workshop for Improving Public Transit Services.” Please RSVP to Fran Beres, executive office assistant, at or 989.534.2707.
On Thu., Oct. 12, everyone is invited to stop by and say hi at the agency’s “Meetings on the Bus,” featuring the iconic Blue Buses stationed at these Clinton County locations:
· DeWitt Meijer from 5-7 p.m.
· St. Johns Walmart from 5-7 p.m.
Blue Bus leadership and specialists from KFH Group, Inc. will be on-hand to share survey results and ask residents how they would like Clinton Transit to address community needs and prioritize service improvements.
“We hope everyone will take the opportunity to meet us on the Blue Bus or join the community workshop. We are excited to share the outcomes of the surveys and collaborate to identify solutions. We want to hear more about the community’s suggestions and discuss their needs,” says Schutt.
Established in 2001, Clinton Transit has been providing curb-to-curb service to meet the needs of all Clinton County residents. Fondly known as the Blue Bus, the on-demand transit system responds to ride requests and provides safe, reliable transportation to all county residents. This creates a more connected, accessible and vibrant Clinton County. For more information on the Blue Bus, visit
For more information, please contact King Media at 517.333.2048.